Fujifilm GFX100s - The Ultimate Landscape Photography Camera

A Rare Opportunity

I try not to talk about gear too much on blog and YouTube channel. When I do, I try and make the gear chat part of a landscape photography adventure. I’m not much for sitting in my office making videos about camera specs and shooting test charts.

The gear that I do talk about, whether it’s cameras, lenses or even outdoor clothing, is normally something I already own. I think I’ve only ever talked about an item of gear that I didn’t own once. It was at least for a camera that I had a genuine interest in and not for a random item that some company wanted me to make a video about.

So, when there was an opportunity to spend the weekend with the Fujifilm GFX100S, I jumped at the chance. How could I miss the chance to use this 102 megapixel, digital medium format camera? I would of course have to put it to good use and head out into the real world to capture landscape photographs with it.

A Fujifilm GFX100s Review for Landscape Photographers

As a YouTube content creator, I was also not going to miss the opportunity to make a video of my experience with this camera. Despite the price being out of reach for most landscape photographers, like me, I expect many of you have an interest in this camera.

The video I have made of my experience with the camera could be considered a review, but it’s very much a personal review. What I mean by that is that I’m reviewing it from the perspective of if I would buy the camera. So, I don’t really care about fast autofocus, stabilisation, frames per second, etc. I want to know if I would buy this camera as my next landscape photography camera, or at the very least, aspire to own it.

Though I’m not trying to convince you to buy the camera, I do hope you will enjoy this personal video review of the Fujifilm GFX100S. As with the other gear related videos I make, the video is also dedicated to the experience of creating landscape photographs as much as it is about the camera.

I hope you enjoy both the gear elements and the landscape photography elements of this video, but I accept no responsibility for a reduction in your bank balance should you buy a Fujifilm GFX100S!

Fujifilm GFX100S Landscape Photography Gallery

Here are all the photographs I captured in the video. Enjoy.