Master Landscape Photography From an Audiobook - On My Bookshelf

Learning Landscape Photography While on the Move

I spend a lot of time in the car travelling to locations for my landscape photography. Even though I’ve spent most of 2022 photographing my local area (i.e., Dartmoor), I still spend anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes just getting to a location. That’s not to mention how long it takes to walk to the spot I want to photograph after I’ve parked!

I’m not complaining. I’m just highlighting how much time I spend on the move. To make those car journeys pass a little quicker I love to listen to audiobooks. If you’ve ever been put off by the size of the Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones books, then the audiobook could be the perfect option.

However, I’d never considered listening to an audiobook to learn landscape photography. Sure, I listen to a lot of photography podcasts, but can you teach landscape photography from an audiobook. After all, photography is such a visual medium how can you teach landscape photography without seeing anything?

Ross Hoddinott and Daniel Lezano believe they can and they sent me a copy of their audiobook “Landscape Photography: For Mirrorless and Digital SLR Users” to try out. I must admit that I was rather curious, so I put it to the test, and I share my thoughts on this audiobook title in this episode of On My Bookshelf.

If you like to pick up a copy of “Landscape Photography: For Mirrorless and Digital SLR Users” by Ross Hoddinott and Daniel Lezano, you can do so here -