The Art of Landscape Photography by Ross Hoddinott and Mark Bauer - On My Bookshelf

Learning Landscape Photography from a Book

YouTube has a rich variety of educational content to suit anything you might want to do with your camera. It is a wonderful place to learn photography. I use YouTube myself to improve my photography skills, and though my channel isn’t focused on photography education, I do still hope that people can still learn something from my videos.

That all said, sometimes the best way to learn something is by using a good old-fashioned book. Getting your education from a book can prove to be a more effective medium than YouTube. If you take the topic of landscape photography composition, which is a broad topic, it can be difficult to find a video, or collection of videos that provide sufficiently broad cover of the subject. Typically, you will only get information on one small topic in each video and unless you know what you don’t know, it can be hard to know what topic to cover next.

A book such as The Art of Landscape Photography will often provide broader coverage of the subject, allowing the reader to consume the information they were looking for, but also highlight areas that they might not have had previously thought about.

I’m not saying that the humble book is the best way to learn photography, but it should feature in the formats of educational content that you do consume.

Now that we have positioned the importance of educational photography books, let’s look at The Art of Landscape Photography to see if it should have a place on your bookshelf.

Book and Author Links

You can purchase your copy of The Art of Landscape Photography here.

You can also get:

From Dawn to Dusk: Mastering the Light in Landscape Photography -

The Landscape Photography Workshop -

Digital Macro & Close-up Photography: New Edition -

 Mark's excellent fotoVUE on Photographing Dorset.  *** Use the discount code JULIAN to get 20% off all books if you buy at ***

 You can see Ross and Mark's photography on their websites - and

 You can also check out their workshops at -