Will DxO PureRAW 2 IMPROVE My Images?

My Post Processing Workflow

I haven’t felt the need to change my post processing workflow for a long time. I’ve adapted it and leveraged new tools and capabilities from Lightroom as they’ve been released, but at a fundamental level, it hasn’t changed in at least 4 years. It can be summarised as a “light touch” approach using a combination of global and local adjustments in Lightroom. I very rarely use Photoshop for image editing, and I’ve never felt the need to add additional products to my workflow.

I’ve always been happy with my digital output but when I saw an advert or YouTube mention for a product called DxO PureRAW 2 something clicked, and I decided now was the time to try something different. I was also editing an image that I was going to print and hang on my wall, so it seemed the ideal time to try something new to see if I could squeeze even more out of my raw files.

I decided not to look at any video tutorials or marketing blurbs before trying this software for the first time. I wanted my first impressions to not only be free of bias but also genuine.

In the video below you will see me use DxO PureRAW 2 for the first time and hear my first impressions, both in terms of how the output looks digitally and in printed form. I’ll also tell you if I decided to use my own money to buy this product. (If you want to buy or try DxO PureRAW 2 then click here).

If you enjoyed this video, you might also enjoy the video I made where you can see me capture, print and frame the image I used in the video above.

I hope you enjoy both of these videos. Let me know in the comments below if you print your photographs and how you process your raw files.