Bring Your Photography to LIFE with the Canon imagePROGRAF Pro-300

Print Your Photography!

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know how passionate I am about printing my photography. For me, the photographic process isn’t complete until I’ve made a print! There is something hugely satisfying in watching one of your photographs come to life as it feeds out the printer.

When I took delivery of a Canon imagePROGRAF Pro-300 printer I thought it was an excellent opportunity to share a video that not only looks at the technical aspects of this printer but also show why printing your photographs is so important. Most of all I wanted to show that printing can be fun and rewarding.

It’s a jam-packed video and rather than repeat the content in text form here, I’ll let you enjoy the video.

Links, Products and Other Videos

I mentioned a lot of blog posts, videos, and products in my video, so I’ve decided to list them below for your convenience.

 Here is a list of the other videos I mentioned:

 Here is a list of the links I mentioned in the video: